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Pashinyan Says Armenia Can Overcome the Challenges It Faces

Armenian  PM Nikol Pashinyan today sounded an optimistic note about the country’s future ability to overcome the numerous challenges it faces.

Pashinyan, while touring the offices of Renderforest, an IT company in Yerevan, told employees that he’s much more optimistic about the future of Armenia than in 2018 or 2019. Pashinyan took power in Armenia following the 2018 “Velvet Revolution”.

He again emphasized his concept of a “Real Armenia” as a state that must ensure the well-being of its citizens as opposed to the traditional notion of Armenia as a platform to expand the country’s borders.

Pashinyan introduced this concept following the Armenian defeat in the 2020 Artsakh War.

He stressed that the well-being of Armenia’s citizens is based on the freedom to create and work in an environment conducive to such actions.

Photo: primeminister.am

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