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Simon Hovhannisyan

Armenia to Sign First International Artificial Intelligence Treaty

Armenia has signaled its intention to sign Council of Europe’s Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law, the first multilateral treaty focused on artificial intelligence.

Armenian Deputy Minister of Justice Karen Karapetyan justified the decision by noting that while AI is experiencing unprecedented development worldwide, Armenia lacks sufficient legal regulations on the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

The Convention codifies principles such as accountability, non-discrimination, privacy, and reliability. 

The European Union signed the Framework Convention on September 5, 2024, citing that it sets the global standard for AI governance while safeguarding fundamental rights.

Andorra, Georgia, Iceland, Norway, the Republic of Moldova, San Marino, the United Kingdom, Israel and the United States of America are among the thirty-seven signatories to date. (See full list)

The treaty will enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date on which five signatories, including at least three Council of Europe member states, have ratified it. Countries from all over the world are eligible to join it and commit to complying with its provisions.

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