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Armen Mirzoyan

Pashinyan, Lukashenko Bicker at Minsk EAEU Session

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan and Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, Alexander Lukashenko Alexander Lukashenko, at today’s session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in St. Petersburg, exchanged verbal barbs following Pashinyan’s announcement that Armenia will participate in the May 2025 EAEU Minsk summit remotely, via a video link, rather than in person.

“And what is your problem? Is Minsk far away? Is there no one to bring you? If necessary, we will organize the transfer of your delegation,” Lukashenko asked Pashinyan.

Pashinyan replied that he had previously made a public statement on this matter, and it remains in force. “I do not think this is the right format for discussing these issues. You raised the issue, and I had to respond immediately so that there would be no misunderstanding,” said Pashinyan.

In response, Lukashenko said that they would review Pashinyan’s statement, to which Pashinyan responded that his statement was not subject to review.

“We will discuss it. Maybe there will be no TV link for you to make a remote speech,” said Lukashenko. “No problem, no problem,” Pashinyan concluded the debate, adding, “I understand that you may also have problems with TV.  I treat it with understanding.”

Relations between Yerevan and Minsk have soured of late, especially after Lukashenko, in Baku last May, said that during the 2020 Artsakh War, Minsk wanted the victory of Azerbaijan and the "restoration of its territorial integrity".

Armenia responded by recalling its ambassador from Belarus. Pashinyan stated that no high-ranking Armenian official would visit that country during his tenure as prime minister.

The situation became tense again in mid-August, when Lukashenko said, "Who needs Armenians, except Russians and Belarusians?"

Photo: Kremlin Press Service


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