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Yerevan Bus Drivers on Strike

Eighteen Yerevan bus drivers have so far been sacked after many drivers went on strike today demanding better working conditions and a pay rise. Yerevan Mayor Tigran Avinyan responded that the local government will not give in to such blackmail and will not make any concessions.

“The organizers will be held strictly accountable, ”Avinyan threatened in a FB post. The strike left thousands in the Armenian capital stranded.

Hayk Kostanyan, a spokesperson for Avinyan, noted that employees of urban public transport organizations are obliged to notify about the strike at least two weeks in advance and, even in that case, they are obliged to provide the minimum conditions necessary to meet the urgent needs of society during the strike.

City officials allege that drivers are unhappy over the recent introduction of a new payment system whereby passengers have been paying for travel with QR codes or 100 AMD coins at the cash desk, whereas previously the main payment was made in cash directly to the driver.

(Update: The Yerevan Municipality on November 4 released a statement that thirty-two bus drivers have been fired for going on strike yesterday. The municipality says buses have resumed service today. The statement doesn't specify how the strike was ended.)

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