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Gayane Hovsepyan

Armenia's Economy Doing Well, Says Pashinyan

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan, during today’s cabinet session, said the country’s economy is in good shape despite a slight decrease in agricultural production.

Pointing to a 14.6% increase in September’s economic activity index, Pashinyan said the country will maintain an average 7% economic growth rate for 2019-2022.

“The volume of industrial output increased by 10%, construction by 14.3%, trade turnover by 14.5%, services by 27.1%, exports by 63.8%, imports by 61.6%,” Pashinyan announced.

He claimed that 108,312 jobs have been created since 2018, the year he came to power and that average salaries have risen 16.4% in September when compared to last year.

State Revenue Committee Chairman Rustam Badasyan said income tax collections for the first three quarters of 2022 amounted to 378.9 billion drams, an increase of 42.5 billion drams compared to 2021.

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