"Bione" - The First Organic Wine Compliant with European Union Standards From Armenia Wine
The following is content paid by Armenia Wine Company.
Founding a vineyard with great responsibility towards nature, caring, nurturing and cherishing it for a lifetime and inheriting that healthy, fruitful vineyard to upcoming generations, this philosophy was the basis of centuries-old Armenian viticulture and winemaking.
Adopting the ideology handed down from our ancestors, Armenia Wine Company, which is one of the leading winemaking companies in Armenia, initiated the planting of organic vineyards in 2017, starting a new and significant cycle.
Just the same year, the company planted its first 4 ha organic vineyard. In 2019, it received organic certification from the international "EcoCert" company.
Taking the responsibility for nature as well as for human health, Armenia Wine Company pursued the localization of the international experience of modern organic viticulture in Armenia, combining this experience with rich national agricultural traditions.
Reasonable and effective use of natural resources, a complete absence of chemical intervention, ensuring the biodiversity of the natural environment, using the latest technologies and taking care of vineyards exclusively in a natural way! Here are the components, the effective application and provision of which were applied under the direct supervision of the "EcoCert" company, which complies with European Union standards.
The expansion of organic viticulture did not take long! Another 14 ha of new vineyards were planted in 2019, followed by 13 ha in 2020, 21 ha in 2021 and another 2 ha in 2022.
Thus, in 2022, the territory of organic vineyards of the company reached 54 ha.
Today, in the organic vineyards of the Armenia Wine Company, you can meet grazing lambs, bees and birds that have built their nests right next to the vines. The organically cultivated vineyard calls its assistants to itself, with the help of which it gives us only clean and healthy harvest.
The newly planted vineyards are located in Aragatsotn region, at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.
The vineyards are irrigated using a well-known Israeli-made drip irrigation system. Sheep living in the vineyards make a big contribution to the fight against weeds, feeding on them and at the same time naturally fertilizing the soil.
The saplings of Armenia Wine's organic vineyards are brought from French "Mercier" and Italian " VCR " companies.
The choice of grape varieties and their special horticultural cultivation method are made by the company's chief winemaker Grigor Aleksanyan and French chief consultant Jean Baptiste Soula, in coordination with vineyards consultant Gzaviere Schon.
The grape varieties are French, they have wonderfully adapted to the peculiarities of the Armenian terroir. Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Tanat, Muscat Ottonel, Syrah, Petit Verdot, Sauvignon Blanc, Malbec Colombard and Viognier varieties will from now on be nourished by Armenian soil and sun and will give birth to new incomparable wines.
The harmonious dialogue with nature and the organic philosophy have already given their results. "Bione" - is the name of the company's first organic product. It is a gift to life (from the Greek "bios" - life) and to the woman who is considered a symbol of the beginning ("Ne" - the feminine pronoun in Grabar), to the mother and mother nature.
"Bione" wine is a combination of purity and honesty. This limited edition wine is a perfect blend of Cabernet Franc and Merlot varieties from Armenia Wine's organic vineyards.
"Bione" organic wine will be on the market soon; while drinking it, you will surely feel the harmony of soil, grapes and life.
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