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Grisha Balasanyan

Impact of Ukraine War on Armenia's Agriculture Impossible to Predict, Says Economy Ministry

Armenia’s Ministry of Economy says it doesn’t know what impact western financial sanctions on Russia will have on Armenia’s agriculture.

Hetq sent an inquiry to the ministry, asking if had made any new forecasts following the war in Ukraine and the financial sanctions slapped on Russia.

“Due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, it is currently impossible to predict the possible consequences of the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation by a number of countries on Armenia's agriculture,” the ministry responded.

The ministry says it is holding meetings to discuss issues related to the export of wine products due to the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine and the devaluation of the ruble.

Davit Kirakosyan, a grape grower from the community of Khoy, said he has been cultivating grapes for more than ten years and selling them to factories. This year, the purchasing plant said that the contracts will be reviewed, and the grapes may not be purchased.  

"I was warned in advance. What now? Should I demolish the vineyard? I have invested so much, who will compensate me?” Mr. Grigoryan asks.

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