Global Finance Ranks Converse Bank Best Trade Finance Provider in Armenia
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Once again Converse Bank has been presented with an honorable award by the prestigious international magazine- Global Finance.
"We are pleased to announce that for the third consecutive year, Converse Bank is recognized as the Best Trade Finance Provider in Armenia by Global Finance, maintaining its leading position and proving the role of the best partner bank of the country in this sphere. Our achievements in trade finance have also been honored by other reputable international organizations and leading banks, including our long term partners Commerzbank AG and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The latter for two years running awarded Converse Bank with “Deal of the Year - Green Trade” award.. The Bank will stay adherent to providing comprehensive corporate financing to its customers, strengthening its position of a long-term and reliable partner in the sphere“, said Grant Akopian, Chief Financial Officer of Converse Bank.
"This honorary award received from Global Finance greatly encourages us. But at the same time, we feel committed to maintain the high quality of services provided to our customers in the sphere of trade finance in line with high level cooperation with our international partners due to which our work receives recognition by this prestigious magazine, alongside with such leading banks as Citibank, Commerzbank, BNP Paribas, Intesa SanPaolo, RaiffeisenBank International, UniCredit, etc.", - said Nelli Kocharyan, Head of International Relations and Trade Finance at Converse Bank.
"Currently Converse Bank offers its customers a wide range of financial services, comprised of traditional lending facilities, trade finance products and target funding through international borrowings. The Bank provides business loans to both start-ups and established companies to acquire fixed assets and replenish working capital, to develop and promote import and export,working out a special product for each type of financing," said Sargis Khachatryan, Director of Corporate Business Department of Converse Bank.
The Global Finance press release on the results of the awards is available at https://www.gfmag.com/media/press-releases/press-release-worlds-best-trade-finance-providers-2022-4.
Converse Bank is supervised by the Central Bank of Armenia.
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