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Kristine Aghalaryan

Armenian Environment Ministry Greenlights Construction of Two Resorts in Sevan National Park

Armenia’s Ministry of Environment has given the go-ahead to two resort construction projects in the specially protected areas of Sevan National Park.

The areas in question are mostly forested.

Drakhtika LLC wants to build a holiday cottage complex along the lake’s Drakhtik village shore.

In the other project, Pokr Kghzi LLC plans to build a similar resort area not far away.

Drakhtika LLC shareholders include the wives of Alexan and Gurgen Chakaryan, co-founders and owners of Security Dream, the company that installs and services speed radar devices and video cameras regulating traffic in Armenia.

Another shareholder is Edward Gasparyan, former director of Yerevan Urban Development CJSC, and his relatives.

The Gasparyans are also shareholders in Pokr Kghzi LLC.

The Drakhtika resort area will encompass 1.5 hectares, and the Pokr Kghzi project, 3.5 hectares.

Top photo: Pokr Kghzi resort site

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